Mary Kate Stranix,
Mitigation Project Manager
Specialties: Stream and wetland delineations, protected species surveys, biological inventory, mitigation and permitting, and reporting.
Ms. Stranix is a Professional Wetland Scientist in training (PWS-IT) with 5 years of experience in stream and wetland delineations (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain, Eastern Mountains, and Piedmont), protected species surveys, mitigation, permitting, and reporting. She has served as an ecologist for municipal and transportation projects, biological inventory surveys, conservation easement assessments, and water quality monitoring. She has participated in protected plant species surveys, herpetological surveys (including gopher tortoise burrow scoping, eastern indigo snake, and green salamander surveys), camera trap surveys, and aquatic surveys (including backpack and boat electrofishing and snorkel surveys). She graduated with a degree in Biology with a concentration in Ecology, Conservation, and Environmental Biology with a Geography minor (2015) from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is passionate about herpetofauna and wetland flora of the southeastern United States.