
Comprehensive Mitigation Solutions: Preserving Land and Ensuring Long-Term Stewardship

Land development projects, both private and public, are often required to preserve land as mitigation for project impacts. Typically, the permitting agencies require a conservation easement to ensure the mitigation lands are preserved in perpetuity. The Barn Group (TBG) is qualified to hold conservation easements or fee title lands for mitigation purposes.

For mitigation projects, we require a project proponent to pay an initial evaluation fee, and then, at the time of property conveyance, deposit an endowment to match projected long-term management funding requirements.

TBG manages, disburses, and governs endowment funds consistent with state and federal laws. TBG’s long-term management ranges from easement compliance oversight to property maintenance and resource management. TBG uses its staff to complete all phases involved in mitigation sites.

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Phone: (678) 588-6050