Carbon Credit


The Barn Group (TBG) holds, manages, and enhances land across the United States. As a nonprofit environmental organization, TBG strives to preserve, enhance, and monitor a diversity of habitats and land resources to improve and preserve the ecological integrity across the landscape.

TBG is committed to offset carbon emissions and help our clients reach their green house gas emissions reduction goals through carbon crediting.

Excess carbon dioxide emissions from human activities disrupt the carbon cycle by adding more carbon to the atmosphere than natural processes can absorb or store. This leads to an accumulation of atmospheric CO2 and an imbalance in the carbon cycle. Carbon crediting is a measurable and quantifiable way to incentivize an actionable response to anthropogenic climate change by offsetting emissions.

TBG understands that reducing carbon emissions can be prohibitively expensive using today’s technologies and at some business operations, certain sources of emissions cannot be eliminated. Purchasing carbon credits is one way for a company to address and reduce emissions it is unable to eliminate.

Our staff has a broad diversity of expertise to integrate services over the life of your project – from field verification of existing carbon sequestered to long-term management, our team of professionals can chart a course around obstacles and articulate sound strategies for project success.

Our comprehensive services include field evaluations, development of site-specific carbon mitigation plans, annual monitoring and reporting, and completing maintenance activities. With TBG’s in-depth experience, we recognize issues early before they become a large problem or expense.


Carbon credits represent quantities of greenhouse gases that have been kept out of the air or removed from it through direct preservation of existing ecosystems and/or through restoration of specific habitat types. The concept of carbon mitigation credits revolves around the principle that not all emissions can be immediately eliminated or reduced. Instead, individuals, organizations, or businesses can invest in projects or initiatives that mitigate carbon emissions elsewhere, effectively offsetting their own emissions.

Carbon mitigation credits play a valuable role in pollution and emission mitigation by encouraging investment in emission reduction projects and fostering awareness about the environmental impact of our actions.


TBG maintains and manages a wide variety of habitat and land use types. This diversity in property land assets allows our team to explore the different mechanisms of carbon sequestration through a multitude of carbon crediting types and categories.

Within our portfolio of land assets, TBG primarily focuses on forest, soil, and blue carbon credits contingent upon the credit needs and goals of our clients. These three crediting types are typically described as:

  • Forest carbon offsets are generated through projects that focus on forest conservation, afforestation, or reforestation efforts. These projects aim to enhance carbon sequestration by forests and reduce deforestation. Forest carbon credits are often referred to as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation credits. Credit estimates are taken from measurable data inputs by appropriate field staff and verified through third-party entities.
  • Soil carbon refers to the carbon stored in the form of organic matter in the soil. It plays a crucial role in maintaining soil fertility, water retention, and overall ecosystem health. By increasing soil carbon stocks, anthropogenic activities can effectively remove carbon dioxide (from the atmosphere and store it in the soil for extended periods, reducing greenhouse gas concentrations.
  • Blue carbon credits are generated through projects that protect and restore coastal wetlands such as mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes. These projects focus on the conservation of these ecosystems and their carbon sequestration potential. TBG holds and maintains 5.7k acres of salt marsh across the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.


The goal of TBG as an organization in combating excess carbon emissions requires efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, promote sustainable land management practices, and conserve forests and other natural carbon sinks.

Mitigating carbon emissions and achieving a balance between carbon sources and sinks is crucial for limiting global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and minimizing the impacts of climate change. Carbon plays a significant role in climate change as it is a major component of GHGs that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.

As more and more companies are committed to reducing their own greenhouse gas emissions, TBG understands the complexities of these goals. Voluntary carbon credit purchasing provides direct financing for reduction in GHG emission action projects and offsets emissions produced by the purchasing entity.  Not only do these carbon credits reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but secondary benefits include habitat protection, biodiversity enhancement, public health improvement, and overall reduction in pollution.

TBG strives to work with our clients to bolster their ecological support network and influence. Through the purchase and proliferation of carbon credits, our clients can play a crucial role in reducing global GHG emissions and show actionable responses to anthropogenic climate change.

With the diversity of skillsets, knowledge, expertise, and experience at TBG, we feel completely confident in laying out and executing plans for carbon reduction success for our clients. As an organization, TBG holds, maintains, monitors, preserves, and restores approximately xx acres of property across the contiguous United States. Our team is actively expanding our footprint and overall acreage that TBG conserves, monitors, and maintains.

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Phone: (678) 588-6050